Thursday 4 September 2014

The Bride of ISIS

Western women married to jihadi warriors of ISIS were using tweets and blogs in their recruitment drive. They were persuading would-be “sisters” in Europe and the United States to travel to the Middle East to help this group build its extremist vision of an Islamic society.

Aqsa Mahmood revealed to the Daily Beast that she is one of the female jihadists that they had reported in their 08.06.14 article. The 20-year-old confessed that she operates under the Twitter user name "Umm Layth". Throughout Umm Layth’s posts and those written by other jihadist women there is a morbid obsession with martyrdom. "Allahu Akbar, there's no way to describe the feeling of sitting with the Akhawat [sisters] waiting on news of whose Husband has attained Shahadah [martyrdom]," writes Umm Layth.

Aqsa Mahmood

Mahmood's distraught Pakistani-born parents warned yesterday: "If our daughter who had every chance and freedom in life could become a bedroom radical, then it is possible for it to happen to any family." Martyrdom had always been an appealing concept. Intentional martyrdom, however, would defeat the purpose of sacrificing one's own life for their God.

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